
  • Meshery v0.7

    Meshery Open source

    v0.7.0 is the latest and most significant release of Meshery, the CNCF’s cloud native manager. Included in this release is GitOps-enablement, a complete GraphQL API (in addition to the REST API), completely new CLI commands, a number of new resources with an internal capabilities registry, 200+ new integrations, and much more is now generally available.

  • The Synergy of REST and GraphQL APIs in Meshery

    Meshery Open source Api

    As an extensible engineering platform, Meshery’s focus on flexibility and adaptability are key. Meshery has embraced this philosophy wholeheartedly as evident by the myriad ways in which it is extensible. By incorporating both REST and GraphQL APIs into its architecture, this dual approach allows Meshery to cater to a diverse range of use cases and developer preferences, ensuring that the platform remains a powerful and versatile tool for managing infrastructure and applications.